Sunday 5 November 2017

Fun in France, Chapter 2. October 2017.

This Blog is a continuation of the original blog 'Fun in France' which can be found at this address:

It chronicles the formation of our very special Petanking Group in South West France and our exploits to date.  The original blog is now so long with hundreds of pictures that it takes an age to load.  This blog will be much quicker - for the time being at least! 

All Thursdays in October and 2nd November 2017

Calling all Tossers...

As you will no doubt appreciate, much of October was taken up with the anticipation of the Farewell Feast for Frank & Jackie - the most loyal and splendid of Tossers who have performed with Exlax since its inauguration two seasons ago.  It is with great regret that we have had to accept that they have relinquished their uniforms and hats and abandoned their mascot, Oscar, and beetled off to Blighty.  Oscar, at QBG'S behest will henceforth be known as Frankie.

We are gratified to learn that not only are Frank & Jackie opening up a most welcoming B & B in Cirencester for all their fellow petankers, but they are also setting-up the most prestigious School for Boules.  Jackie has perfected her movements to such an extent that her picture will appear on the publicity for this venture, which will be circulated nationwide. Furthermore we understand she and Frank are in talks with the BBC (British Boules Club) who are keen to fund this enterprise, and with Virgin who wish to make a film. 

We sincerely thank Frank & Jackie for their enthusiastic participation in the Expat League of Petank, for the fun and friendship they have provided, and we wish them all the best for the future.  We shall all miss them!

Thanks to all the hosts for providing the pitches over the last 5 weeks - normal reporting will be resumed next week!

Leader Board:
LAGS.  155
EXLAX.  132
LOLS.  101

Your beloved

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